Baby came early! (Long)

Sarah • My little babe is due June26, 💕🎀
I had my baby girl! I was 2 1/2 weeks early & was already 2.5cm dilated, 50% effaced, with on + off contractions. So on Friday June 10th I woke up at 9am and ate a bowl of cereal but didn't feel well.. So I got in the bath. Honestly, I knew something was off & I was leaking pink mucous and assumed it was my plug. Or bloody show. But my mom came over and by 1pm I couldn't even eat again, and I had pooped 3x. My skin hurt to touch. I was hot and then cold. My body was so achey. Inner thighs were hurting so I headed to the ER at 3pm so get checked. They hooked me up to an IV due to being dehydrated & swabbed me to test if I was leaking amniotic fluid.. Checked me and I was only 3cm. But I was group b strep positive so it all came down to the fluid test. They came back & said I had ruptured my water so I was staying & had to deliver her relatively soon due to risk of infection. Her heart rate was hitting as high as 210bpm during a contraction so they tried giving me oxygen & more fluids, & eventually antibiotics for the GBS & breathing techniques. My contractions got closer & I was checked by around 5pm and was 5cm .. I asked for pain meds through my IV and they said no because of the baby being in distress. After a half an hour someone came in to take my blood work to check my platelets & see if I could get an epidural. 40 mins later they came in & said I could. I kept grunting because I felt the need to push. So they checked me before the epi & said "you're not getting an epi.. You're 10cm" needless to say I was TERRIFIED. After a little while I started the pushing part at 6:40pm .. It was hard because it takes a few seconds to direct the push to your rectum & I was out of energy. I honestly just kept thinking this is for my daughter & I wanted to channel all of my thoughts into getting through this. She ended up giving me an episiotomy so she could get out of the canal due to distress instead of me pushing a dozen more times & ripping. The next contraction she was out at 7:50pm!!! I def felt the ring of fire but feeling the release of her head & then the body slide out is UNEXPLAINABLE. It was amazing. I did skin to skin to help her because I had a fever of 99 F & she had one of 102 F. They stitched me and I delivered the placenta which was fine but the belly rub after sucked. Her temp regulated & she ended up weighing 7lbs 2oz, and measured 19.5 inches! :) for being early and having GD that's not so bad! Risky labor but atleast it was over with!!! Any questions feel free to ask ANYTHING.