Body positivity

Just a little thought that keeps occuring to me every now and then which I feel needs to be addressed at this time of my life. Being a 24 year old female who has always struggled with body image and imagined myself as being a "fat one" just because everyone thought or said so has done nothing good to me. Its time I accept and embrace who I am . I feel good I look good I feel healthy and I might look a little more "fat" to someone than the others but thats other peoples opinion !! That is not what defines me. I am strong, I am intelligent, I am graceful and I'm sure so are the millions of other women who are young and healthy but are forced to feel that they are too fat or too skinny or don't fit society norms . 
It's hard to be happy if you are always on the lookout to make other people happy!! Live for yourself, embrace your beauty. It doesn't matter if you weigh 120 lbs or 250 lbs. you are you. You are perfect !! So please, don't put a frown on your face if you feel healthy and feel good but are forced by the society to feel bad about your body. Took me about 13 years to tell myself that im OKAY!! I'm what I am and I won't change for any body else.