Placenta Previa

Hello Ladies!!! I have found out that I have complete placenta previa. And I have to do a C section when time comes. Anyone else have this? It's very rare but I wanted to ask
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I had a friend who did. She ended up in bed rest for quite a while bc she kept bleeding and then she had to deliver 2 weeks early. At my 20 week scan they were concerned mine was too low, but did another look and said it'll most likely move up as the baby grows. Good luck. Just stay calm and if you have concerns, go to the ER. 


Hayden • Jun 13, 2016
No problem :)


PJ • Jun 13, 2016
Thank you for the info and kind words. knowing these thijgs help ease my mind because i see others have been through it


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I did with one of my pregnancies it moved up on it's own as baby grew


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I have it as well but my doctor said mine will most likely grow to the side as it and the baby grows! And they will reevaluate later on in pregnancy :)


PJ • Jun 14, 2016
Im hoping we both get the good news that it moves up.


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There's a group on Facebook I'm in and they're amazing ladies and very knowledgeable. If you haven't already you should request to join


PJ • Jun 14, 2016
Thank you!!!


Ashley • Jun 13, 2016
Thanks for sharing!


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I'm not a dr but if you are only 21 weeks you still have time for your placenta to move. I have been on pelvic rest for 5 weeks and hoping my placenta will move as well. Just try and think if the worse news you get is that you need a c section still consider yourself blessed. I just want a healthy baby!


Posted at
I have it as well. My OB feels very confident that it will move on its own. I have no restrictions but if I start having bleeding I will have to be on pelvic rest. We are going to do another ultrasound at 32 weeks and check it then! Try not to stress too much. I did but felt significantly better after speaking with my OB. 


Je • Jun 14, 2016
Yeah mine was only a marginal. Wishing you the best! I don't know how you can manage pelvic rest..I would go crazy!! ❤️


PJ • Jun 14, 2016
That is great. I hope yours does move. Im on pelvic rest due to it completely covering my cervix. but no bleeding. we shall see during check ups


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As of now I have it also. On pelvic rest and they will check next week and every 4'weeks moving forward. I haven't had a bleed but being very careful. Hopefully it moves at least a little bit!!Otherwise they said and section 3 weeks early. 


PJ • Jun 14, 2016
Same here pelvic rest. And will keep an eye on it. And yea they say if does not move will have to do C section as well before scheduled due date


Posted at
I'd had it with my first. It moved by time I got to 30 weeks. Sorry yours didn't. Just try to relax and listen to what your doctor tells you about your restrictions. That is very important. Good luck on delivery day. 


Dawnielle • Jun 13, 2016
They thought the same with mine. You should be checked again around 28-30 weeks. Hopefully after baby grows, they see it had implanted higher than originally thought. There's still hope. Hold on to that.


PJ • Jun 13, 2016
Thank you for encouraging words. This is my first pregnancy and got worried. They seem pretty sure it won't move but im only 21 weeks. So we shall see!!