I watch my boyfriends 6 year old son, while he works during the week , all day.... And I still cook and clean......His son has been with us for the last couple months ...I've never been around a child that long or been with someone who has kids. I agreed to him living with us because I knew his father wanted him too and for him to be happy an better off.....

But I practically take care of him too much. I HAVE TO tell the boy a couple of times to stop or to do something. When his son got to our home, he didnt have no type of home training and was still peeing on himself. His father hadnt seen him in a year, I've only met the boy once.... His father says I mean and act like a old HAG..... But I DO ALOT! I try to teach him how to do things, like reading, counting money, folding clothes, grooming himself..... I even got him to sleep in his bed.... He was still sleeping in bed with someone because he was scared... I did all this in the last 4 couple months.... He is better now .... But it seems like our dating lil life is over, we don't have dinner nights and it seems like I don't get any attention no more....I guess I should have said no when he asked me for him to come here.... With me being pregnant, my hormones are everywhere....

On the other hand, the boys mother didn't do anything for the boy....His suitcase and the lil clothes he had SMELLED LIKE SYRUP AND PEE....AND NOTHING FIT HIM .... We would send her like 200 every month or 2 weeks ahead of time or when needed .... The lil guy had nothing, we bought everything new.....

The boys mother calls when she wants to... Hasnt sent the boy no clothes or sent any type of money ..... And I'm just stressed, because my boyfriend does everything, pays all the bills . And he has not I've asked her for anything ..... But the mother wants to have legal custody together and doesn't want to give up her rights.... Just so unfit.... I just keep quiet to avoid any arguments, but I just feel its wrong for two adults to have a child ... Both working and one only take care of it financially .... An I feel its wrong for the PREGNANT WOMEN TO DO everything....

What should I do , SORRY SO LONG ?