Mixed feelings about late AF

Ashley • Army wife, dog mom, pregnant with my rainbow baby due October 4th🤰🏼🌈
I'm currently 4 days late, me and my husband have been ttc for a little over a year now but I've been up to almost 2 weeks late before and then AF came so I'm really trying not to think about it but I can't help but to think about it. I took a test the day I was suppose to start and it was negative which I no that doesn't mean I'm not pregnant I'm gonna get another test tomorrow and test again, but My husband just left for basic training for the army and although we both want to start a family so badly idk if it's the right time he doesn't even know my period is late, so I have very mixed feelings on everything. We won't even get to live together again until February of next year so he would miss almost all of my pregnancy! Any advice?