Delivery Room

I know it's a little early to be thinking about this but it's been bothering me beyond belief lately. I have a really rocky relationship with my mother which we are currently kind of trying to work on. She's really excited about the baby which is great and as long as she behaves like a normal human being I don't mind her being as involved as she'd like to be. The problem is she is just so over baring sometimes. She keeps talking about how she's going to keep my baby on Saturday nights which is just a completely other topic. Anyways, with the way she has been I kind of don't want her in the delivery room. She doesn't know how to keep her opinion to herself and doesn't listen to what I want only wants to control the situation. My fiancé and I decided to have our baby in another city about 45 minutes away, I'm secretly hoping that means she'll keep her distance. I'd like to tell her she's not welcome in the delivery room but I know it's going to be a drag out fight. My fiancé supports whatever I decide and I know I want his mom in the delivery room she's literally my best friend and will be there to be supportive not controlling. My mom however feels like it's her right to be in the room so I'm a little over whelmed with the situation even if it is a while away. I lived with my great grandma until I was 7 until my mom decided she was ready to parent and when I was 17 she kicked me out because I didn't apply to college with the major she wanted to to enroll me in. We hadn't talked in about a year until recently when my grandma got sick so I'm trying to work things out but this is my baby and she doesn't get that. Someone HELPPPPP