Feeling really down about myself right now

Britney • I'm a happily married to the love of my life and I'm a 27 year old who is graduating university soon this year and is hoping to start having some beautiful babies soon! We have had one pregnancy and miscarriage at 7 weeks so far hoping for a rainbow baby
We are going into. Our eighth month trying to concieve and right now I'm just finishing the last class of my degree and looking for a job but I just can't help but feel absolutely horrible about myself I'm not sure why I keep having horrible thoughts that my husband won't love me if I don't get a good paying job soon or if we don't get pregnant which I'd absolutely not true he is very supportive and kind but he did say some harsh things about a week ago when he was going through a hard emotional time and I think they stuck with me and are still making my heart hurt a bit I just don't know what to do (I'm on anti depressants already because I have two anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder) so I know rationally it's probably just my disorders acting up I just keep feeling like crap about myself for example. A mean lady punched me in the side in the mall the other day because she thought I was in her way (didn't even say excuse me just punched me it was ridiculous) and I've been sad and shaken up about that ever since too but I should be feeling good about myself finishing my degree and being in a good financial place for the first time in a long time but I feel depressed and down on myself I don't know lol just wanted to vent I am being irrational to let things like this get me down?