Need advice- pee or not to pee

My boyfriend and I have been having unprotected sex for a while. I haven't gotten my period in a week..been expecting it and it usually shows up early even though it's irregular. The thing is that I'm super anemic... and might have hypothyroidism. Ive been taking my iron pills daily along with a pre natal. I'm severely concerned because 1 I just found out I might have hypothyroidism 2 the hormonal effects of hypothyroidism can effect the newly conceived mocha baby and potentially i could have a miscarriage. This would be my first pregnancy I have two kids that are mine by marriage. So I'd like to test,but I've tested before when this happened and it showed a faint blue line and a solid control line. I've been feeling nauseous and "full" as in bloated but usually when I PMS I gain 15 pounds. (I know, awesome right) I haven't gained any significant weight at all. I definitely know my body and I've been having anxiety attacks like never before.. So, to test or not to test?