The N Word: I'm not racist but...

DISCLAIMER: I'm certainly not trying to group everyone together! For that I'm sorry. Lately there's just been a lot going on with blacklivesmatter and I want to know why it can't be ALL LIVES MATTER.

Ive seen so much going on recently about blacks vs whites so, I have to ask, as a free white woman why is it fair that blacks can call me and my people "cracker" and other derogatory words but it isn't the same when we use the N word towards them but, they can use it?

It was the AFRICAN king who first sold off his people to the whites, yet the only people blamed for slavery is us. Am I saying that it's okay? No. But I am saying that it's time the African Americans stop acting like we owe them something. It happened over a hundred years ago and has no direct effect on anyone alive today.

So why is this even still a thing?

If they don't like their lifestyle they should to to school and get a degree so that they can get a good job, not sit around bitching about white people. It just isn't fair.