Okay so there is a heavy debate going on concerning the "N" word and I also found another debate also concerning race in another tab. I'm reading through all the comments and seeing everyone's different views but I just want to say this: just because black lives matter does NOT mean other lives don't. At this moment A lot of people (not just blacks) are focusing on black lives. I never understood how wanting to stop the brutality and standing up for black lives could be so...offensive to others. Like, why, all of a sudden when we say black lives matter people want to yell "ALL LIVES MATTER"? We still love every race we just want justice for the lives lost of our black men, women and children. And I know people may say "well, our race has also lost loved one too" no one is denying you that but at the same time you never wanted to speak on it until the "black lives matter movement" people have been making hateful comments while at the same time trying to explain their side. There is nothing wrong with a good debate. Shit I'm learning things too. But don't put someone down because you feel offended because of the "black lives matter movement" because BLACK LIVES DO MATTER. Just as everyone else's we just aren't being quite about it. We feel like everyone needs to know what is going on in our communities EVERY SINGLE DAY and there is nothing wrong with that. Also I know people say that they are "tired" of hearing, reading, and seeing it but it's here, it's now and it's happening. It's ok if you don't like it.