How do I move forward

My boyfriend and I were together a little over a year and we split for about a month, he had sex with 1 person and I had sex with 2. I know this may sound stupid but I can't get over the thought of him eating her out and making her cum in the same bed that him and I have sex in and sleep in every night.. I know it's hard for him to get over what I did, but it wasn't in the bed that we sleep in or the house that we live in.. Whenever I lay down to go to bed I think about him and her and my sex drive is just in the toilet. I used to be super horny and want to have sex at least 2 times a day now I'm even lucky if I even get horny once or twice a week.. maybe that's because I just started depo? I don't know and when we do have sex, it's a lot harder for me to cum because well it's in that bed.. and sometimes when we're having sex I think about them and then I just feel guilty and want to stop.. after we've both finished I just want to face away from him and cry because I feel like maybe I'm not ready to do this.. I just don't know what to do every time I try to move on and forget about it, it just comes right back into my mind.. I just want to feel good enough.. This has been eating me alive 😔😔 were back together now, I'm back at the house, I guess I have to realize he wants me and he's with me, but I don't know how I'm going to survive this being this down in the dumps.. Any advice? Thanks ladies..❤️