I was scheduled to be induced at 41 weeks and of course, the night before (1:30 am) I began having c...

Amanda • Proud Mother and Wife to my little family
I was scheduled to be induced at 41 weeks and of course, the night before (1:30 am) I began having contractions.
Was admitted to the hospital at 8:30 am and after a few hours of slow progression was hooked up to picotin. 
The pain was unbelievably awful. 
Got an epidural at 4cm because everyone could see I wasn't holding up.
I was admitted at 3cm at 830am and by 6pm was only 5cm.
From 6pm to midnight I went up 8cm - and from midnight to 6:30am I hadn't gone any further. 
Doctor a advised a csection would be our best option - so we got it set up and she was in my arms an hour later!
In the future - will DEFINITEY get the csection.
Very sore, very tired, but our princess is with us and we couldn't be happier ❤️