TTC ๐Ÿ’‘๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿผ


I am curently 5 month TTC

I was actively trying for 2 months.

Then the other 3 we just went with the flow because it became over whelming; with all the ovulation tests, pregnancy test, and other tricks and trades of trying to get pregnant we were way in over our heads. Today I went to the doctors office for a consultation on a breast reduction(yes breast reduction I'm an I Cup smh). I had them do a test just to be on the safe side cause I needed a x-ray done. My test came back positive but with a faint 2nd line. The doctor had me get blood work just to be a 100% sure, so now I'm sitting here waiting for 24 to 48 hours lol for results