My sweet little TJ decided to come on his due date

My sweet little TJ decided to come on his due date. He is my third boy and the other two came before due date but he decided to take his time. 😊 
My water broke at a friends house the night before my due date. We got to the hospital at midnight but no contractions. We slept and woke up around 7 with no contractions still. Since my water broke and I was GBS positive and had a high risk for infection the longer baby stayed in with no fluid. So the doctors pushed pitocin. I finally gave in and decided to do it but I told them to use them smallest dose they possibly could. Luckily by 8 contractions started and were regular. 
I was at 3 cm when contractions started. I casually labored around the hospital and in my room for a few hours and the contractions were getting around 1.5-3 minutes apart with some pain. I decided to get in the labor tub at around 12:30. The contractions got more intense during the hour in the tub and I started feeling pressure, thinking the baby was getting close. They checked me and I was at a 4! I was so confused! I labored a little longer and decided to get out of the tub because it was getting too intense and I wanted to go back to my room in case the baby was coming. They checked me in the room at 1:30 and I was at 6 cm. I swear that baby was coming NOW and I could not believe I was at a 6. The contractions were almost constant and unbearable. I swear I couldn't do it! But in 30 minutes I went from a 6 to a 10 and I was pushing whether they wanted me to or not. 1 and a 1/2 pushes later and out comes my babe. I went from a 4 to a 10 in an hour and a half!!! It was like an entire labor of pain in such a short amount of time. It was crazy and I can't believe I did it unmedicated. But he is here and he is so perfect. I love having three boys!!!!