My Labor

Monica • 20yrs/Mommy of 1 babyboy/Zackary Hunter Salinas😊

I was 39 wks 6 days pregnant & had a checkup with the doc. Once they called me up and met with the doc they were checking if I was having any contactions & they told me I had one big one but I didn't feel a thing & was 1cm dialated , then my doc was checking my water and told me to go to the hospital due to my water being I checked into the hospital and they started to induce me & was dialating quick i spent a total of 7 hrs in labor and by the next morning I had my little prince in my arms with just 2 big pushes he was out and they had to put pressure on my stomach due to having the umbilical cord being wrapped around my babies neck but thank the lord he came out just fine and my little prince

Zackary Hunter Salinas.

He just turned 6 months this past week.

1st pic:My husband & I getting ready for labor.

2nd:just born

3rd&4th:Just A Few Hours of Being Born

5th:6Months Later 😊