Baby was born last night 8:40 14/06 This is my second baby I had the first one in hospital...

Baby was born last night 8:40 14/06 This is my second baby I had the first one in hospital, with and appediral and narrowly escaping c section due to feral distress.  The decision to have a home birth 8 years later was an easy one, because I was convinced one intervention lead to another and maybe if I didn't start having different drugs thing would have worked out different.  I was much more informed this time round and had a clear understanding of what I wanted and why.  Anyway this Sunday at 3:30pmmy water broke, it was a strange and new experience, as with the first is was broken by staff.  The tickle of water almost seemed to good to be true I was 39w and 3 days.  I knew that I had a clock ticking now and had 24 hours to start labour or I could kiss my hybonbirthing pain free water home birth good bye.  So we went to the park whilst my son and hansband played basketball I walked around like a crazy pregnanent women.  I've been walking for an hour a day anyway so nothing I wasn't use too. It started raining so we head home not before getting soaking wet.Around 7:00pm I started having mild contractions very manageable. My husband but up the birthing pool minus the water and continued to watch tv alone dancing through the contractions.  As the evening got later I started to feel more scared and worried about my decision to labour at home.  Had a birth which didn't help listen to my birthing track and just kind of felt trapped.I told my husband to go to bed around midnight and the minute he started snoring the contraction ramped up.  Suddenly lying on the bed was 100 times more painful then standing leaning forward.  I must have went to the bathroom a million time with the constant need to go toilet.  I started on the floor all night unable to sleep scared rocking through contractions.  I thought about filling up the pool myself or waking my husband up but the truth was I was way to scared to except labour was here. So I lye on the floor in pain silently moaning and hoping that the inactive position would slow things down.  At about 6:30 am I managed to fall asleep for 30 minutes just before it was time for the school run.  I was so shattered and grumpy in the moreing I felt like I ran a marathon in secret.  By 9:30am I was ready to start my day with the sound of that 24 clocking imagery ticking in my head.  So we called the midwife she said come in at 2pm which I didn't mind because it community passed and I knew it would be a hospital that would expect me to be induced.  Another long walk in soaking rain this time 5mph I couldn't decide if I was going to eat or not Monday as I spent the whole night painful clear long my bladder as labour ramped up the night before.  So when my husband surprised me with a full English in the morning I refused and nearly bit his head off.  Anyway I didn't eat much just the minimum and lots of liquid.  Went for check at the midwife who listerned to babies heart beat and called the hospital to get advise on my situation since in was coming up close too the 24 hour mark when they would expect me to go in to be check.  After 20 minus of phone calls back and forth it was decided I should call triage between 8-9 pm and explain that my water broke the day before.  She said they will test fluid and most likely start the induction process to prevent infection. I thought she was going to check my cervix or something but she wished me luck and sent me on my way with only a heart rate check. Oh and she asked me if I felt ok. Which I did was just annoyed that my contraction were not picking up again.  So we went home I started counting the hours and making arrangement for me son.  Deep down inside I was sad and disappointed as I could see I only had a few hours left before I would be in hospital.  After some careful thought and discussion with my husband I decided I wasn't going to call the hospital between 8-9 as  suggested.  I recentented the fact that labour was going to be taken out of my hands and as far as I knew me and princess were both fine.  It was about 6pm when I cancelled the childcare arrangement and decided our little boy was staying put tonight.  I was exushused tired and hungry but the second we made and finished that decision I felt free.Like the ticking 24 clock I had sitting on my shoulder just died.  After all what was they going to do drag me to hospital kicking and screaming.  I ready about women who had waited up 72 hr and looked at some research papers deciding it was a safe option for me.  I did take my temperature hair to make sure I had no signs of an infection.Anyway I asked my husband to fill up the pool for 7:30 because I knew that was our sons bedtime.  I decided I was having mild / medium not regular contractions but since sleeping wasn't an option I though well I might as well watch a movie in the birthing pool tonight.  My on personal jacizzi kind of.  I got in the pool and water felt lovely and relaxing.  When a contraction came I felt annoyed and deceived.  The pain felt the same and couldn't believe I was still feeling the tension.  My husband tried to talk to me but I quickly went inside myself search my brain for all the hypnobirthing techniques I had read and partly used the day before.  Suddenly my moaned turned very serious and with each contraction I tried to relax and breath and not tense which did help. But my hybonbirthing book forgot to mention contractions feel like electric shocks going through you body and relaxing and breathing throught them are very very difficult.  I remember wanting complete and utter silence as I tried to find a way to cope with the electric surges running through my body.  My husband was asking me question ' we need to time them and your doing well. I told him I'm trying to survive and focus so please don't talk touch or anything me.  I was fustrated to say the least I was feeling more intense pressure than relaxing and I spent all the time not contracting trying to recover. No one dare not talk to me or touch me because thing we're getting serious.  As I let go a surrender to the contraction they quickly ramped up.  I turned to God for my inner strength and support with every sensation.  I repeated I can do all thing through crist who strengthen me and kept telling myself to relax.  At some point my husband realised I was going to respond or help him time contact and said we need to call the midwife your contraction are 2 mins apart and I just left my safe space for a few second to tell him to go upstairs and call because I was deep a zone.  And the slight little noise or movement was annoying to say the least.The electric waves kept coming and remember remind God that he promised to never give us more than we could manage.  I was hot sweaty and feeling trapped by the constant current running through my body.  My inner self talk and blief reached its peak.  I screamed at my husband to call 999 because I could go on a second longer. He went upstairs I didn't even look at him but knew he would do it.  I was so serious and in so much pain I wanted to fly to the hospital and be drugged up.  I got to a limit and my body was shaking and stood up to run but realised my legs and body wasn't going anywhere I was shaking and scared and alone. So screamed at the top of my voice for help ' God help me I can't cope' I opened my garden door wanting to escape but knowing I was trapped in my body.Once I screamed I pushed and out came the head I was releaved and excited my body stopped shaking and felt at peace.  From that moment onwards my calm and faith was renewed. I knew what to do I one more push and she was out. I called my husband who was still on the phone to amberlence and told him she was here. The amberlence lady arrived in 8 mins just after she was born.  Then the door just kept knocking first one midwife then another two amberlence member then a second midwife.How the first midwife look so hot and flushed telling me her bags in the car she wasn't ready to deliver the baby or pleanta yet. Lol  put she and the amberlence lady assisted with 3rd stage.Ps now would be a good time to say the baby was fine I picked her up from the bottom of the pool rubbed her back and thanked God for her.  I was in shock that she was really in arms looking at her with love.  She weighted 6lb 7 oz and was healthy and happy.  I had to get a few stitches on my living room sofa but apart from that I was fine.  She was born at 8:40 pmand the midwife and amberlence crew left my house around 23:30by time everyone had completed their paperwork and asked me the same question 3 times each. Had a shower fed our baby - then thought I would write this as I am unable to sleep and neeed to process the last 48 hours.   When I hope my birth story make sence because I haven't slept since Saturday night and I'm running on nothing.Good luck to all those still waiting to give birth.  And thank you for taking the time to read it.  Do what works for you and always blieve in yourself.  God bless Jade Warm Regards
Warm Regards