Should I test?

So I have been fighting back and forth with myself on whether or not to go ahead and test early before my missed period bc last month I did and got 3 positive test then my period started right on time and it made me more upset than I anticipated and I don't want that to happen again. The reason why I want to test though it bc I feel different, I'm bloated, my breast are a little sore(never happens during my period), I'm tired constantly, and I've had heartburn/indigestion for 3 going on 4 days straight and I never get heartburn. All this started around Sunday/Monday, also I usually cramp lightly the week before my period and I've had no cramps so far. I don't know what to do, I don't want to get a positive and then get my period like last month but I wanna know so bad if I am pregnant. My husband is convinced I'm pregnant and wants me to test but I'm just scared. Sorry for the wall of text.