2WW and No Symptoms?

I'm 9-10 dpo (LH surge evening of 6.5.16). This is only our 3rd cycle TTC so I'm still learning the ropes and need advice! 
Last month before AF I had what I thought were tons of symptoms - nausea, cramping, fatigue, bloating, feeling hot. Then AF came (very light and only 2 days). I did test numerous time to confirm and always BFN
So this cycle we BD Sunday night and Monday night after pos OPK Sunday evening, and used preseed. So far, no symptoms really. I've had a slight cold for the past 3 days (sore throat and mild nose stuffiness), nipple soreness 1-2 dpo only, and very mild cramping today. Have anyone ever gotten a BFP with minor or no symptoms? I know time will tell, but the wait is so hard! I'd love to hear other people's experiences. Thank you!!!