Would you leave OB if receptionists after miserable human beings?

The only ob that I have seen at my women's center is amazing!!!! She did my d&c after a missed miscarriage (mmc) on June 6. She was kind compassionate and reassuring that I was not the cause. (It was an sch or subchorionic hemorrhage that separated the placenta) Her receptionists however were awful!!!! When sonogram confirmed that baby was measuring 8 weeks instead of 12 at an imaging center it was after hours for my ob office. I called ob office next morning and said through tears that i had a miscarriage and didn't know what next steps I needed to take. The receptionist replied "well don't cry about it, that won't help anything." Are you kidding me!?!? It might not help but it's unavoidable!!! What else would you have me do!?!?! Then, after d&c I called on office to make follow-up appointment and there was a bad connection. Instead of "please call back, I can't hear you." I got a 'stop bothering me attitude' from another receptionist yelling into the phone, "mam, mam, what do you want!??" Again, doctor is lovely but there's 8 other doctors in the practice and the receptionists are just rude!!! Would you stay with the office for future pregnancies? (I have a gyn that I see for all other issues woman related, but am hoping to need an ob in the future and don't know what to do)