HELP! What is going on? (Warning: This is kind of gross.)


O.K., let me preface this by saying that I have already attempted to contact my doctor, but the appointment line has gone to voicemail all week and they haven't called back. Also, Google doesn't know what the heck I'm talking about. However, this app seems to think there's an issue, so I'm hoping for some insight here and not suggestions to call my doctor or Google it. Fair enough? All right, then.

So, I'm in my fertile week. I've been getting the normal mucous when I wipe, like every month, but it's tinged with blood. And, the blood is different colors and different amounts every time. It's completely random. Like, I could have a slight pinkish discharge one time, and the next streaks of bright red, then back to slight pink, and then the entire amount of mucous is brown. IDK what this is and it's never happened before (at least not like this.)

So, thoughts? Ideas? Insight? Has this happened to anyone else?