Story time aka dick pics lmao

So I met this boy by yellow, the app for snapchat, and he talked to me, boys from yellow send dick pics and I don't really like it 😂 but this time this boy... Damn and I felt so bad because it really turned me on, so he was like ( now you have to watch until I come ) and I didn't say no because i mean 😂 so I just laughed and he was like ( are you horny yet?) and I told him ( yes but stop jesus) and he was like ( are you wet? Can I lick it? Can I see?) oh man 😂 when I read the ( can I lick it?) dude... 😂 I had to trow my phone away and start to touch myself and he was sending more videos and geez! He sent me a video for me to save it and I was like ( wow thanks how nice of you 😂) so then I told him ( hey you're from jersey right? I was there last year  for Christmas vacations) and he was like ( why didn't you tell me? We could have cause some trouble) I think I know why my grandma and sisters doesn't let me go out alone because damn 😂 I was so horny and wet and... Damn... This is the story 😂 bye ☺️☺️😂 and anonymously because <a href="">eve</a> has a lot of people that I know and ain't nobody want them to know 😂