Scary moment now over!

Just wanted to share this with you guys.
Im 30 weeks today and had a busy day yesterday didn't really notice baby hadn't moved much and my baby is usually very active. I followed midwife suggestions of drinking cold water and lying down for an hour, I felt some small kicks (about 2 or 3) so felt silly and didn't go to hospital even though this was a different movement pattern for my baby.
This morning However still no movement so went to hospital, there they traced baby's movement where I found everything was ok and heard the heart beat, they did however check me for early labour as I was cramping.
Everything is ok and baby is still very happy to stay put I'm just happy I listened to my own body and now have peace of mind, so for anyone out there who is unsure if they should worry or not better to be safe than sorry and don't worry about making a fuss I'm so glad I did.