3 yr old has aggressive temper. Had to pin him down last night. He got it from his father. Idk what to do.

My husband for years (before our kids came around) always had trouble controlling his anger. Hed yell, scream, throw things, punch holes in walls... he has gotten it under control and no longer acts this way. Im extremely proud of him. But i say this bc the "kids do what they see argument" is invalid. Our children have NEVER seen him act this way.

Last night, my 3 yr old, after being told to share with his younger brother, went into extreme hulk mode. Hes always kind of lost it when he gets angry, but last night takes the cake.

To make a long story short, after SCREAMING, and hitting and kicking, punching both myself and his father, i put him in his room so he could calm down. He then proceeded to punch and kick the door excessively, throw all of his bedding around the room, and thrash about on his bed. He then fell off the bed, (bc of his thrashing about) and claimed to be hurt. I picked him back up, put him on the bed where he started to hit and kick me. I pinned him down bc i was afraid if i let him go, he would actually, really become hurt.

After about another 30 minutes of trying to calm him down, he eventually did and went to sleep. It is terrifying to see my 3 yr old like that. And frankly, ita got my nerves a little rattled.

We do not argue in front of our kids, we do not become physical in any way, we dont even yell really.

He has no condition. He is not ADD, ADHD, Autistic or anything. Maybe a little slight OCD but thats it. My husband and i thought about putting him karate. Thought it would a could place to direct any aggression he may have, all while learning control.

But other than that, i have no clue what to do. I know hes young and lacks the ability to control himself and his emotions. But this kind of behavior can not continue. Help?