I still can't feel her move!

Teri • wife...mother...stepmon...business owner... trying to stay sane while doing it all!

I'm 24+2 weeks and I don't feel my baby girl moving every now and then I'll fill these flutters or pulsating feelings below my belly button. The last ultrasound I had was done at 21 weeks and her feet were nowhere near that spot so I don't know what that feeling is but I want to be able to feel her kick and move...when can you begin to feel their kicks from the outside has anyone still not felt their baby after 24 weeks??

UPDATE: literally after I posted this I began to feel her move not just super low but in my stomach area the kicks are getting stronger even my fiance can feel her kicking, I was being impatient and now she is super active I'm so happy. Thanks for all the advice ladies!!