Baby #2 but hubby want one more

Hey ladies. So my hubby and I are pregnant with baby number 2. Our first was a girl. Now we have a boy. I'm 18 weeks right now. The first pregnancy was jus awful. I lost weight the first 5 months n couldn't hold nun down but it got better. I had a c section with her. Now with this boy, I have severer heart burn! Every night I have to take sum. N morning sickness happens at night. He told me after this baby.. He wants one more in another 2-3 years. You guys... I don't. I love my kids. Don't get me wrong but I'm suffering. You guys may say I'm whining but I already feel like it's a lot on me as it is because he works the longest hours. He gets up at 5am n I get our daughter ready so he can take her to my moms that's close to his job because I leave for work from 8-5. When he gets home, he doesbtnt have to do anything but eat, or whatever n we spend time together but it bothers me that I've pretty much do everything. With this boy, it'll be the same. I get everything done. N now he wants 3 kids?!!! I told him no and I'm getting fixed when u have this baby and he got mad. I expressed why n he was like he can't help the hours his job gives that he can't do what he needs for the kids. Am
I wrong for not wanting another child? Or should I just give my husband what he wants?