need an opinion ladies😕

Jackie • im jackie, 31yrs old with 2 kids...was told i would never have kids and here i am💕 my son is 7 and my daughter is 3; me and my husband are ttc for our final child; and then i want my tubes tied as i suffer endo and cysts; i have had 2 laperoscapies and be
im 28yrs old, suffered endo since i was 11, I have had multiple cysts at once, I've had a tumor on my ovary, I've had a laparoscopy done and Endo come back within 4 took me two and a half years and 3 cycles of clomid to get my son, and now by some miracle I'm pregnant and it's a baby girl...anyways my dilemma is that I was given the option to sign a consent form for a partial hysterectomy 30 days prior to having my daughter; and I don't know if I want to do it, because then I wouldn't have any more kids but at the same time I feel like me and my hubby have been very blessed and we got two beautiful boy and one girl we feel like we have the best of both worlds and we are not going to want's just so confusing and I don't know what I want to do; hes leaving it up to me..he says w/e i chose he will support my decision what are your opinions ladies??