Father's Day 🎉

I hate my father. More and more everyday. The more I see him, the more I can't stand to be around him. He was an overprotective father to put it VERY lightly, this is mostly because he is paranoid by all stretches of the imagination. And not in a reasonable way such as holding our child's hand across the street. No, more like grounding your 15 year old child for getting the mail because "people might notice you." Since taking a psychology class in college I've since realized that most of my emotional problems stem from how I was raised. Thanks dad. But the one thing I dislike the most about my dad is he is so close minded. And even tho I have spent everyday of my life looking for his approval, when I find a guy I love and wish he would love too, just because my guy doesn't have the same values and opinions as my father, my guy might as well not exist. He has no respect for me, nor any regard for my happiness. And as a 20 year old women, I deserve that. I need a dad that will just be happy for me. Not.... Him