"Non-period", Sore tingly boobs, BFN @ 17dpo

Hey guys,
Im just after some insights and personal experiences? I'm 29 and had a TFMR in Jan. Periods have been shorter and lighter since, though very regular and complete with furious PMS on week lead up to AF!
This month I was due 11/6 and had no symptoms at all. TMI: I had a surprising bloody mucus blob on 9/11 then nothing but brown sticky spotting on and off for 3more days. Some of those days I didn't even use a pantyliner and when I did it just brown spot for the whole day!
Since then my boobs have been on FIRE! Tingly nipples, heavy feeling in my chest (just like my first pregnancy). Had odd dizzy spells, been mad lethargic and had some pulling in my pelvis area! 
Only thing is I'm 17/18dpo and still getting BFN??
Anyone get a late BFP? Or am I just imagining things?