I hate my period 😠

Started ttc February 2015, and still no luck. Every month I get my hopes up and I look too far into my symptoms just to be let down. I had endometriosis removed February this year and we really hoped that would help. Around that time, we decided to do a semen analysis and it came back that he had low motility. Neither of our insurance covers infertility so we can't really do anything else about it. I'm to the point where I want to give up. I dread the day my period is supposed to start because it so disappointing. Plus my period is very painful so it's like it's throwing it in my face. Does anyone know of anything otc that helps with his problem? We are getting desperate. I keep telling him that I'm giving it one more month and I'm getting on something to help with period pains (birth control) but I can't bring myself to actually give up ttc.Â