Would it be weird for us to go to couples therapy?

My SO and I have been having some problems in our relationship lately. He's struggling with being an alcoholic and talking to girls online. He was adopted when he was 5 and prior to that he was in foster homes where he was abused. Both his biological parents were alcoholics and drug addicts. Not that any of this is an excuse for his actions, but still worth mentioning. We've been struggling with that, with TTC since I have PCOS (we are going to stop trying for a while if it doesn't happen this cycle due to our issues), lack of trust, lack of communication, etc. I want to go to therapy. I just don't know if it'd really be acceptable for us to go. I'm 20, he's almost 22. We've been together off and on for 6 years (with like a 2 year gap). We aren't married. But I feel like it would be beneficial for us to go together. Should we?