Does my partner need to see a doctor? I don't know what to do

Hannah • Fur mamma. Heathen.
My bf coughs a lot. He gets sick probably once a month. It's been like that for about a year and I haven't gotten sick once. My dad advised him to see a doctor recently because it sounded like he had a lung infection. My dad had an array of health issues and he doesn't take his life for granted. If something is preventable, it's important to him. So he said, "Trust me, Trevor. You're gunna want to get that checked out. You have that cough all the time and it sounds bad. Take your health seriously." It eventually went away so he didn't think he had to go to the doctor. But this week he got sick AGAIN and this morning he tells me that he's coughing up blood... I looked it up and read to him that it's an indication of something serious and it even said that someone experiencing this needs to see a doctor. He seemed to be concerned by it but I asked him right now if he's going to see a doctor...And he said he doesn't want to. He's only 21 but I'm concerned about his health. He's concerned about money (no health insurance) and I honestly think he's scared or something. I thought this would finally get him to go but I guess not. What can I do? I'm worried