After being scheduled to be induced at midnight the 19 I started the pill to soften my cervix

After being scheduled to be induced at midnight the 19 I started the pill to soften my cervix. Normally this takes hours to kick in since I was only 37 weeks and closed with no effacement. But everything started in about a half hour. At first the contractions felt like cramps which was normal but then went on to fill contractions, assuming this is what is supposed to happen doctors came in saying his heart rate dipped every time I had a strong contraction. And due to preeclampsia they wanted to induce as soon as possible instead of delaying it. So off I went to an emergency c section. After all is said and done there were few complications other than me getting sick die to the spinal tap this was such an amazing experience. And an amazing Father's Day for my wonderful husband. Everyone meet Carter James, born on 6-19-2016. 7 pounds 15.5 ounces and nineteen inches long :) we absolutely adore him and can't wait to begin this new chapter!