
So I think I am experiencing implantation bleeding? Light pink/brown discharge that was stringy like ewcm and I'm having cramping right now (and pink every time I wipe). This is totally unusual for me 1 days before my period (I never get cramps the day before and if I spot anything it's the day of AF and starts as a heavy brownish discharge. ) anyone think that's what this is? I've also been extremely nauseated off and on the past 2 days. I'm just not sure. Hubby and I only BD on my most fertile day and that was 14 days ago. Is it possible to have implantation bleeding 1 day before period or you think it's just my cycle being funky for the first time ever? Also my boobs are noticeably larger (my husband made a comment the other day too after staring at them lol) and earlier this week my nipples where very irritated and tingly. I tested those days but they were all BFN.  I have tests ordered and should be here by tomorrow. Just want to know if anyone else has experienced this 1 day before AF due and got a BFP?