Lower pain when rolling over

Khyrstin • I am happily 👫 with 👧🏼3, 👶🏼19mo, 👼🏼 July 2017, and 🤰🏻due 3/9/20.
I feel like I roll over 20 times a night because my hips hurt and I need to constantly switch sides. The past few days, (especially in the mornings), I am SUPER SORE! I don't think it's ligament pain (I mean maybe?!?!) but I had a bunch of that earlier on and this is different. It's lower and feels more like a pulled muscle. It hurts when I roll over, get out of bed, get off the couch, etc. I'm trying not to worry, I think it's just another growing pain in pregnancy, but has anyone else experience this? Any advice? I have been trying to use my legs to roll over more, but that only works so well!