Horrible experience!

I have just left my doctors office where I went today after getting what was seemingly a faint positive on a FRER. I had the same thing happen in March in which my period was a day or two late  and then followed by a "different" clotty AF-I suspect chemical. My doctor took one glance at my test, laughed and said "oh my god that's not even positive, that's a negative test." He refused to acknowledge he seen anything on the test at all. His medical assistant dipped my urine and 15 seconds later came out and looked at him shaking her head to say no, it took all I had to ask if the test was even done processing. He also is refusing to check for pregnancy with a blood test Only agreeing to check my progesterone level after I noticeably became upset. He also told me to go home and throw all of my ovulation tests away and that I WOULD ovulate on day 14 and anything that says differently is not true. 😣😔 I'm so ready to just give up!