Period missing (7 weeks)- test says no- what gives?!?!

I have not had my period in more than 7 weeks. I was off birth control for 3 months and my period came every 4-5 weeks for the first 3 months. Now I have no weird symptoms, and two different pregnancy pee sticks showed negative results (taken 1 week apart). Got off BC because I thought I wanted TTC, then decided not really and would just take precautions instead of going back on BC (tracking fertility, pulling out, generally never having sex because my husband travels, haha). I never actually received any positive fertility test (pee stick) results even though I diligently used them every morning and tracked my basal temperature (also never saw regular rise that hinted at ovulation).
What gives!?! Is it abnormal for a period to be so late and not be pregnant? I'm more freaked out that I have stopped ovulation rather than being pregnant. Is that possible?