+ hpt/ - doctors urine test HELP!

6/17 (6 days before period) I used the First response curved hpt. I got a solid and a faint line on both. 
Today I went to the doctor and received a negative result. The doctor also did a US in which nothing was seen. In which she was very insensitive she told me it could either be too early or I can be miscarrying and there's nothing she can do. I began to cry so out of pity she ordered a blood test...
I'm a bit stubborn and I am beyond convinced I'm pregnant so when I got home I purchased a EPT brand test which is positive. I'm kinda confused on whether I am pregnant or if my body is screwing with me. I won't know until the blood results. 
I also read online that other women have similar problems and were  just too early to be detected by US
First response:
UPDATE: I am beyond late on updating but my bloodwork came back and it confirmed a pregnancy. Thank you everyone for your comments 😊
 Today's EPT home test after negative dr test