Feeling the baby move

When did everybody start feeling your babies? I'm 18 weeks and I haven't felt anything. Starting to worry. 
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First pregnancy most people don't feel it until around 20ish weeks. I wouldn't be too worried until you've hit 24 weeks and haven't felt anything 


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17 weeks exactly. My husband and I both felt it.


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I felt my first definitely kick/rumble last week at 18weeks 6 days. Happened once I laid in bed and it startled me. Amazing! I hear it's more common to feel it around week 20 when its your first baby


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Also ftm here. I wasn't getting worried but more anxious. Was unsure if I had maybe felt something once at seventeen and some but then nothing after so I thought it was just gas. Today when I got to work and sat down I felt what I'm pretty darn sure was baby moving...No gas and continued for a few minutes. I'm 19 weeks, two days. It'll come. I know people on this site report it as being super early but I've read that first time moms might not really feel it even until 25-26 weeks and usually not until at least 18. I'm not saying they can't, just saying what is typical.


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Wk 14. It was a friday night, and the baby decided to kick for the first time. Hurt so bad that I hurled over in agony. Scared dh to pieces. He wanted to take me to the er. A few days later happened again but this time he saw. Left him speechless. This is our second.


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I didn't really feel anything until 20 weeks. Almost a week later and he is definitely active in there. This is my first pregnancy. 


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My doc said between 18-22 weeks. Still early!


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You may have an anterior placenta, which means the placenta is between your belly and the baby, cushioning its movements so you don't feel them. Try not to worry! You are still a little early to feel much.