Terbutaline and magnesium sulfate


At 32 weeks I started having contractions and went to er . Nurse in er told me they are Braxton Hicks contractions and to go home and stay off my feet. Little did she know I had been having contractions since the day before, after being examined in l&d I was dilated 1cm and 80% effaced still having contractions. My Dr asked why I was about to go home and I told her what the er nurse told me.

Long story short I had contractions for another 28 hours in the hospital and had to be given 3 shots of terbutaline and magnesium sulfate to stop contractions plus 2 steroids to help ensure lung development for baby. Has anyone ever been through a similar situation and how long after did you deliver or did you make it to term. It's been a week now and still having contractions just not as frequently or as strong as before.