Not sure anymore

So hubby and I were ttc since the beginning of this year. All was well and we felt ready. Until my job situation just changed. Literally this week and now I'm in the midst of a transition that wasn't expected at all. I feel like my world went upwards and crashed. Long story short, I have to go back to school. Hub makes more than enough to support us two but I don't know how the toll will be with a child also and me in school. I'm not in school yet I still have to weigh options depending on if I conceived this month, and I say that because I'm a few days late on an other wise very normal 29/30 day cycle. Of course we would love the baby but I'm freaking out now. So much changed in a matter of a week. Good thing is we have both mothers very close by so we can get baby sitting help. We have a big family to help too. I just feel so unprepared now. I thought we had it all figured out and now I'm feeling terrible if we are having a baby I can't say that I was completely ready to have him or her. You think you have life figured out and then bam. Not really. If I'm not pregnant now I think I will post pone ttc after talking to my hubby to until after school is done. Which is about 2 years from now assuming I am accepted. Feeling guilty on all levels. Guilty if I am pregnant and guilty that I don't have it all together 😕😥 the stress alone makes me fee sick to my stomach.