*FULL MOON* Why is my dumbass out here?!?

Tali • Mom of now 2 Little princesses!!
Ive now begun to accept the fact that my pregnancy is making me Senile....Here i am outside my House sitting on the porch under the "full moon" to see if my 40 week pregnant body will somehow magically go into labor (old wives tale)😣😢😢.....wow it has come to this smdh...Yall i am sooo over this pregnancy the novelty has def worn off and before yall get all radical talking about how i should rest while i still can and enjoy my pregnancy guess what Im not sleeping or resting because im in constant pain : Sciatic pain killing my hips, i have Diastasis recti in my belly so its constantly burning/ripping not to mention heartburn and indigestion..I love my baby excited to see her but she just wont budge 😭 ive already lost my mucus plug 2 weeks now and ive been 2 cm FOREVEEER...any other thing u name it ive tried: walked for hours, sex, dancing, eggplant, rasberry tea etc Next stop is getting my membranes sweeped which from what im seeing on these posts is also not guaranteed to work *sigh* Really dont want to be induced (BAD EXPERIENCE WITH MY FIRST) but my OB said shes not letting me go past 41 weeks (risk of infection) so im running out of time here... i just feel that if i didnt have all these symptoms from the very beginning *Extreme Nausea 4 months straight then the others joining in..I would be able to cope but im not my husband looks at me in pity because he knows im sooo uncomfortable today i almost cried but i held it together...Just venting i guess i know im not the only one feeling like giving up n letting Medical Intervention take over. FYI if yall dont understand where im coming from n wanna play judge Judy kindly move to the next post please n thanks! 😊