Late period...late ovulation? TMI


I had a strong positive opk on cd 14.  Two week wait, I'm symptom checking EVERYTHING! I noticed last Wednesday that my CM is weird and started taking opks again. 6 dark positives, Wondfo brand, in 6 days.  The test line is darker then the control line on all of them.  Then today, I started getting globby cm.  I took pregnancy test last week. What is happening? Anyadvice , please???
Sorry for tmi I don't know how to put the disclaimer on with my phone.
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It's difficult to say because it can be a early sign of pregnancy or AF approaching. CM is usually runnier or thick creamy white before pregnancy mine was watery to start with. The 6 in a row positive opks is a good sign i had this and its how i knew i was pregnant as usually id only get three at tops. Guess its the horrible waiting game😢 good luck


Ti • Jun 21, 2016
Thanks for the response and thoughts! The waiting game sucks :) We've been trying for over a year now. This is new 😥


Posted at
I got cm like that at about 10dpo. That increased within a week. I knew then I was prego. It was globby, creamy, & alot of it. Good luck!


Posted at
Retest with an HPT!