Admitted again 😓

So I was admitted to the hospital again last night 6-20 for sever lower back/flank pain that wrapped around to my groin. Can you ladies see where this is going? Kidney stones yet AGAIN! It's been a very long night as the pain has become unbearable and I've tried to avoid iv pain medications but 3 hours ago I broke down because I couldn't take anymore. Ladies if you've never had kidney stones count your blessings, this is the most hurendous pain I've ever been in! 
I feel like a horrible mommy because I can't deal with the pain and have had to be given fentanyl by iv 2 times now and Percocet by mouth once and what seems like a endless supply of Tylenol.. 
Ladies that's been through this, how did you manage the pain? With or without pain medication.?