Tomorrow is the day! Going in for elective induction.

Tabitha • Sunshine baby was born 7/4/13. Had a miscarriages 5/6/14 at 8 weeks & 4/3/15. Rainbow baby born 6/22/16.
Elective induction at 39 weeks tomorrow. My pelvic pressure has been almost too much to handle, baby has been head down for almost a month, 80% thin but only 2 1/2 cm. My doctor is on call that day and she believes that baby is ready and my body is ready but my cervix isn't cooperating. Since I had to be induced with my first one for the same reason, why wait till I'm over due. I'm a little scared cut the pitocin did crazy things to my body last time and made labor miserable. But I feel like I know my body better and I'm not afraid to ask for the epidural this time. My support system is on board with me, but I still nervous.