Need to rant!!

I'm fuming! Story goes.. My ex (father of my soon to be born baby) was a control freak. When we were together he'd have to know where I was, who I was with, what I was doing etc. Wouldn't let me cut/dye my hair. Wouldn't let me meet up with my friends and made me quit my job because I worked in a pub 'serving drunk men' as he put it. I was constantly accused of flirting with other men whilst working in the pub. He threatened that if I ever left him he'd have someone watching my every move and he'd end his life by driving into a wall. In the end I plucked up the courage to leave his arse!! By the time I left him I was already 7 weeks pregnant. From then on he's made my life a living hell. I've been struggling big time with really bad depression and anxiety. I've had to have the police involved. I've had to have my house flagged by the police. My midwife has had to safeguard and flag the hospital that I'll be attending when I give birth. He's constantly stalked me and harassed me even harassing and stalking my young sisters. Hanging around outside their schools at home time. I got to the point where I couldn't leave my house or stay in my house without breaking down. I had a threatened miscarriage too so that made it even more stressful for me. I constantly thought about abortion because I was terrified of what he would do once little one is here. I have constantly tried my damn hardest sorting this out with him but he's always thrown it back in my face and slandered me across social media branding me as a 'dirty scummy cheat who needs to be hit by a bus' he's put worse online about me too! All he's been interested in is alcohol and drugs! I've finally got my own solicitor who has told him via letter not to contact me until baby is here and even then it'll have to be done via third party. He let it lay low for a month! A MONTH!!! Now he's back putting things on Facebook classing me as a deadbeat when all he does is spend his money on alcohol and drugs. He doesn't give a sh*t about this little one!! Now all of a sudden because it suits him he's contacted one of my family members demanding to know about the baby. He now reckons he wants to sort it all out.. After all this time, after nearly 5 months of hell and 5 months of me trying to sort it out with him. He now decides he wants to go about it the way he wants to. I'm fed up of being walked over by this idiot. I'm fed up of feeling worthless. I'm fed up of trying to make a bloody effort with him when all he's done is make my life hell. All he's done is brought misery and crap to my life and caused me severe depression and anxiety. I've literally given up. All I'm interested in is safeguarding my baby when he/she is born. I've never said once that I'd stop him access all I've ever said to him is 'be clear from drugs and you can have visiting times' am I such a bad person to think and go about it this way? I thought that I've been going the right way about it but I sometimes feel nothing I do is good enough!😔 so so sorry for the long post, I just needed to get this off my chest as I have nobody to talk to! Apologies for any spelling mistakes in this I just can't be bothered to read it all back through😂
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Posted at
He is proving to be a THREAT TO YOU AND BABY.  He gets ZERO rights and you need to start safegaurding as muh as possible by going to the police and documenting so you can prove to family law judge that hes a threat to baby and needs to be reatrained from baby for babys sake. If you dont safegaurd that baby NOW to ensure he has zero access then you WILL WITHOUT A DOUBT BE FACED WITH AN ABDUCTED CHILD. How will you feel when this guy steals your baby? How will you think in hind sight that you SHOULD HAVE NEVER GIVEN HIM ACCESS in any form.You need to go to a safe house ASAP and seek a lawyer.Treat this as ABUSE BECAUSE ITS *****SECONDS*****+ AWAY FROM HAPPENING


Kelly • Jun 22, 2016
Don't ever feel sorry for asking for help. You deserve better for you and your baby


Kelly • Jun 22, 2016
I agree with this.


Chloe • Jun 21, 2016
Thankyou Karie x


Posted at
Do you have an intervention order (or violence order) against him to stop him contacting you?  I'm in Australia, so not sure what it's called where you are.  Basically it's a legal requirement that he cannot contact you (and you can have your family added), can't post on social media about you, needs to keep a certain distance from your home and workplace.  If he breaches, he gets charged and it gives the police more power to act.What is happening to you is awful, and blatant family violence.  Hopefully the police or a DFV service can give you information about how to protect yourself and your little one.


Samantha • Jun 22, 2016
Yup they told me the same thing for something similar when me and my man split we did get back together though and things are better but we never went threw what u did


Chloe • Jun 22, 2016
I've already mentioned to the police about something like that but they said it can't be put in place because he hasn't done enough. They pretty much said he has to come to mine and assault me before they put something like that in place😕


Posted at
I'm sorry you're going through all of this. I have issues with the father of my unborn baby as well. I'm not with him because he is unstable. At the end of the day, you're a mom and protecting your baby is the most important thing. Praying for you to get through this tough time. 


Chloe • Jun 21, 2016
Thankyou Autumn x


Posted at
Document everything. Screenshot all his posts. Dates times witnesses everything you can. He's obviously a danger to you and the baby and if it was me he would not come near my child ever! 


Alexis • Jun 21, 2016
Let him take you to court. Then you can provide this evidence with it. File for a restraining order if possible.


Chloe • Jun 21, 2016
Name on the birth certificate. He's threatening to take me to court because I refuse to put his name down but in my eyes he doesn't deserve to be put on the birth certificate. He's not safe to have his name on there either. I'm not risking it at all. Thankyou for your comments x


Chloe • Jun 21, 2016
I've got over 130 screenshots of him contacting me. I've logged everything with the police even though they say they can't do anything because he hasn't done enough. What's he meant to do? Put me in hospital before they actually take action. I've got my solicitor on my side and I'm NOT putting his


Posted at
Stay strong and dont go back to him. Act like he dont bother you as much as he does and maybe h r ll get bored? Similar to playing dead to an animal who wants live bait:p. You got this mama.hes no good for you.


Chloe • Jun 22, 2016
Thankyou xxx


Brittany • Jun 22, 2016
best of luck to you xxx


Chloe • Jun 21, 2016
Thankyou. I'm trying my damn hardest with everything. I'm not letting him get to me. That's what he's always wanted. He's always tried walking over me and I'm not having it anymore. I'm going to be the bigger person in all of this. Thankyou for your comment xx


Posted at
It sounds like you're doing everything right, but TBH, everything I know about UK laws came from PBS and BBC America.Can you get something like a restraining order? Or is that what you already have?I know it's not up to me, but if it were, I'd keep track of every time he does something that goes against what you've asked, common courtesy, what he's agreed to, or the courts orders (contacting/harassing/etc.). I'd also print copies of everything you find he's doing regarding you online/on social media. That way when it's all said and done, you can show the courts. And maybe your ex can get some help (counseling, rehab) thru the courts.Good luck! And please, for the sake of your child do your best to take care of yourself- physically, emotionally, and spiritually (or whatever).