
I really really want to have a baby but my partner is really not budging on it. He said 5 years minimum but I just don't want to wait that long. I am young but we've been together a long time and are married... We're OK money wise and I just don't get it. He always says it's just about the money but I don't believe him.
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If he doesn't want a baby right now, he doesn't want a baby. Nothing you can do about it


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Take the time to talk to your husband and find out more specifically what kind of security he's needing. Is there a number he has in mind? A specific goal he's wanting to achieve before baby comes along? Is he worried about losing you to a child? Really have a talk about it. Not just in passing. Don't undervalue the importance of family meetings just because there's only two of you. Maybe he wants to have a certain amount set aside for emergencies AND baby. If so, figure out what those numbers are and set a budget and a time line. Maybe he wants to buy a house first or get a promotion at work. Again, set a deadline. If he's worried about losing you involve him more in the "baby" talk. As him for his opinion on names, birthing techniques, etc. suggest a vacation just the two of you. Take a ton of photos. No baby talk, just enjoy being together. Take up a hobby. Schedule date nights that will continue even when baby comes. Use the time you have right now to get your body healthy, start taking prenatals, research providers and birthing centers, take a class on child development. You've been given a huge gift. The gift of time. You have time to prepare! Every mom realizes she didn't do enough to "get ready" for a baby. Offer to watch a friend's baby for the night so she and her beau can enjoy a full nights rest. Good luck! 


Athena • Jun 22, 2016
Of course, Jade!


Jade • Jun 22, 2016
Thank you for your thoughtful response! This has really helped me put this in perspective xx


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How old are you? My hubby is three years younger then me. I told him okay we got, three years! And I reminded him of course. But he was prepared! And when the month came to baby dancin, he was on board! Discuss, communication!


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Don't force it, let him come around to it. It will happen when it's meant to be. You bring a child into the picture any sooner and it's a recipe for trouble.


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You're just going to have to wait. Or you can break up with him and find someone more on your time table.


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My husband and i waited 4 years after we were married.. 8 if being together.. He wanted to wait so i waited and it was well worth it.. Our son is due any day and he is so excited... And he wants as many as we can.. Give him some time


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There will eventually be a moment where it clicks and he is going to be really excited about starting a family. My husband and I have been married for 3 years, and all the sudden he came home one day and was like I want to be a dad. Don't rush it. Enjoy your husband and the time you have together. He will come around when he is ready. 


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How old are you? Just to let you know, most people don't get pregnant the first time of trying. Better try now than later! The younger the better. At least that's how I see it. I got married when I turned 25. Didn't want babies for 2 years, we wanted to enjoy our time together for a bit - I am 27 now, and regret not trying earlier. Just my personal opinion 😊


katey • Jun 21, 2016
but he doesn't want babies...


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See if you both will compromise. Like wait 2 years that might give him time to want to have a baby.