Weight Loss

Hey People,

This isn't unique, and I know millions upon millions of people struggle with this issue, but there are many who succeed in losing the weight. I'm overweight, and obesity and diabetes and other things of this sort run in my family, but in my opinion I look and feel good. If I ask people how much they think I weigh, they are usually a good10-20 pounds off. How do you all get your shit together and commit? It's not like I don't do anything. I play a varsity sport, do TRX and Yoga, and am fairly active overall. However, I know that you can't just lose weight from doing exercise. A humongous chunk of it is how you eat. And that's what I really have trouble on, the mental aspect of it. I've tried to starve and tried to purge, but chickened out, tracked points and calories, just ate until I was full, and swapped foods for lower calorie substitutes, but still have the absolute hardest time committing. I know what I have to do, and why, but I just can't get that to connect. How did you all lose weight and overcome the challenges in the journey? Any specific tips? And I know that there isn't a truly easy way to lose weight without doing some crazy, in someway or another, crap. I long to lose the pounds that I know are actually, and not just mentally seen as, harming me, and when I look at the scale it flipping hurts, but that all goes out the window once it comes to actually eating. Thanks so much to you that actually read this because it's a kinda long message, and even more to those that respond.