Who should get Child support?

Before anyone says anything, i am a mom, I'm also a college student, and I work. I know what it feels like to work, stay on the go, and not get any help from the father..but am I the only one who thinks that not every woman should be granted child support? I feel like in the U.S.a lot of women abuse the system, and get crazy handouts for doing nothing but sitting on their ass. Seriously, how can the govt make a man pay child support to a mother who doesn't work at all? I feel like both the man and woman should be equally accountable to pay for those children and not just the man. Where's the justice for women who work and can't get not a single dime? They claim I make too much to qualify for any govt assistance but really come on like I'm a part time worker, student who pays loans, and I have bills and mouths to feed!!! But then you have women who sit on their behind and eat fruit and watch TV all day who are living in paradise with child support, food stamps, and this other support they get. How is this beneficial? What makes a non working woman more better than a working one? As far as I'm considered, women like me deserve help and need it while the lazy ones who are having kids just to keep an income should be forced to work a little something or denied of some of these benefits they keep getting every month.