Anyone have children with A.S D- autism

Cassandra • ❤full time mum❤housewife❤
Firstly i know this is a ttc or <a href="">pregnancy app</a>, and im currently 4weeks 6 days pregnant with my 4th. My eldest has autism hes 6 in august. I just thought we could talk about it the difficulties or ups and downs you have, since i have two other sons aged 4 and youngest will also be 2 in august. Im just curious and also want to raise awareness of autism since this cant be diagnosed through pregnancy usually its diagnosed from age of 3 years and up, in the uk sometimes younger. I just thought any parents who have children with autism could support each other and discuss ways to handle things with them to help them. My son is in a specialist school they have worked wonders with him he suffers anxiety big time and social stories seem to help him.