Tmi Cm Tmi Cm!!

Hi ladies, I was wondering what your ladies cm was like before pregnancy? 
I'm 7dpo and I'm having creamy cm & besides it being creamy it has "bits" (sorry for the tmi) I've been having this since after I ovulated.. (Not itchy No odor)
I don't usually have a lot of cm to begin with & I know some people say it depends on how on much water you drink and I do have trouble drinking lots of water.. 
Anyway I couldn't help but test today (I know it's still to early, but I just had to) it was negative..
I have no other symptoms except for this cm and I'm just wondering if it can be a sign? It has been excessive... I even had a big stain of cm on my undies when I went to the restroom which resulted in me having to shower lol it just surprised me!! I'm hoping this pic helps with what I'm describing to you ladies..
When I check for my cm by just inserting a finger I can actually feel it inside (the creaminess) if that makes any sense..
With my first pregnancy I didn't symptom check/spot or anything because we weren't exactly trying.. 
Did any of you expirience this? Or are expiriencing this at the moment?
I guess you can say I'm just looking for hope?